Our Consumer Advocacy Page is born out of our experience of being hands on caregivers for our Grandmother (Gram) over an eight year period. Our experience was filled with trials and tribulations over multiple facilities and several care environments all in an effort to provide the best care for her. At the end of the day we had good days, we had bad days and we had going half mad days. But we learned, we adapted and we made it just as good as it could be for our Gram. While our primary task is to help individuals and families create an Extended Care Plan which includes the resources to fund that plan, we realize at the same time that most are not prepared for what is to come when that event happens and the family is pressed into action. Our Consumer Advocacy Page is designed to provide every day information and resources to help those who are not able to help themselves. There is nothing in the planning process that is more important than a well informed and effective advocate when it comes to the quality of life for your loved one who requires extended care services.
CARIE is an organization that helps to advocate for seniors and their families. CARIE fulfills its core mission — to improve the well being, rights and autonomy of older persons through advocacy, education, and action — through a “case to cause” model of advocacy that serves to promote equal access to justice and addresses problems and issues on both the individual and the systemic levels. Because frail older adults often lack the ability to advocate on their own behalf without assistance, CARIE provides individual advocacy through direct service and systemic advocacy through education and public policy initiatives.
We are different from other agencies — we don’t provide direct services (home care, meals, transportation). We advocate for people to get those services and advocate for dignity and quality care for older people. We work to make sure that everyone finds a resolution to their problem.
National Alliance for Caregiving – www.caregiving.org
National Institute on Aging – www.nia.nih.org
Well Spouse Foundation – www.wellspouse.org
Medicare – www.medicare.org
NC SHIIP – 855-408-1212 (toll free)
South Carolina Senior Resources – 800-868-9095